May the following tips help to inspire and spark your own creativity in sharing the most important good news ever told – the Gospel.

  1. Develop the Passion à know your BIG WHY
  2. Knowing Your Identity as a Rescuer
  3. Knowing Your Identity as Christ’s Ambassadors
  4. How Badly Do You Really Want it? – Do you get to or do you really have to do it? Realize that It’s a Big Privilege to be Entrusted with This Command and Responsibility
  5. Develop Courage & Getting Out of Your Comfort Zone
  6. Have the Following Confidence Builders: the method is simply sharing your story, the persuader is the Holy Spirit Himself (not you), the authority is God’s Word, the message is Jesus
  7. Chart Your Road Map to Success – Power of Planning Ahead – Have a Game Plan
  8. Put on Your 4D Glasses – See the world around you the way Jesus sees them
  9. Rearrange Your Priorities in Life – Making Him Known Should be at the Top of Them
  10. Sow Seeds Everywhere – It Makes a Difference to This One – We must sow – we may water – we may reap – Joining God where He’s already working – Looking for people of peace
  11. Develop and Compile a Name List Journal – Power of Being Intentional
  12. Develop Persistence & Perseverance and a Never Give Up Attitude
  13. Know the Power of Preparation & Practice
  14. Overcome Fear of Witnessing – Have Your Fear Directed Upwards (Involve the Holy Spirit and He will give you boldness for it)
  15. Building Friendship Bridges Effectively – Be there for the Good and Bad Moments & Genuinely Show Interest / Care for them
  16. Practice Active Listening Skills
  17. Present the Hope you Have with Gentleness and Respect, Your Conversations Should Always Be Full of Grace
  18. Making Use of Every Opportunity In Season and Out of Season
  19. Try to Have Multiple God-moment and Touch Points
  20. Go Out of Your Way to Pursue Touch Hearts, Seek and Save the Lost
  21. Realize the Power of Your Personal Testimony and Start Crafting One – a Customized Connection with the Lost – Your Pain Is the Platform – it’s a Story only You can tell – Your Story is not About You but About Him
  22. Create the Hunger and Thirst for the Hope You Have
  23. Know the Push and Pull Factors – Connect on the Symptoms and Deliver Cure for the Disease
  24. Build Your Personal Testimony Toolbox – God Stories in Your Life
  25. Use Diagnostic Questions as Springboard for Evangelism
  26. Use of Tools, Common Cultural Objects or Other Creative Methods to Propel You into Gospel Presentation
  27. Turn Casual Conversation into Spiritual Conversation Masterfully– Find the Hook
  28. Share About the Risk vs Reward of Trusting in Chris
  29. Create Various Opportunities for Gospel Presentation
  30. Make Use of the Power of 3 Open Prayers: Open Door (Natural Opportunities), Open Heart (Holy Spirit’s Conviction) and Open Mouth (Courage and Boldness to Share)
  31. Come up with a Record Book of Prayers – Pray for Natural Opportunities, for Prepared Hearts, for Your Heart, for a Paralyzed Enemy, for God’s Words & His divine Power
  32. Know the Power of Focused Prayers
  33. Have an Outline for Simple Gospel Presentation
  34. Share A Message About a Relationship – There’s a relationship you’re created to have – it’s a relationship you don’t have-because of what you’ve done – it’s a relationship you can have because of what Jesus did – It’s a relationship you must choose
  35. Realize that It’s All by the Grace of God to Pull Man to Himself, Not Your Own Power or Intelligence
  36. Stress on the Sinfulness of Man
  37. Talk about the Nature of God
  38. Explain About the Great Substitute on the Cross
  39. Understand What Saving Faith Is All About for Sharper and More Focused Evangelism
  40. Learn How to Handle Common Objections
  41. Be Equipped on How to Answer Honest Skeptics’ Questions
  42. Use the Judo Technique When Someone Throws a Difficult Question at You
  43. Build a Strong Evangelism Team & Networks
  44. Strengthen your 3 Pillars – Prayer Partner, On the Job Training (OJT), and Qualified Trainers
  45. Make It a Ministry of Multiplication – Equipping Others to do the Same
  46. Immediate Discipleship – Don’t Make Converts, Make Disciples
  47. Build the Big Mo (Read: Big Momentum) – Keep Being Consistent, Caring and Open at All Time till the Wave will Flow in Your Favor
  48. Make Evangelism a Lifestyle, not a Program
  49. Develop Your Evangelism Toolbox – Know What Works and Keep Adding These to Your Toolbox
  50. Use Effective Stories to Illustrate Important Points
  51. Develop Creative Witnessing Ideas and Opportunities
  52. Compile Testimonial Stories of Ordinary People doing Extraordinary Things in the name of Jesus
  53. Depend on the Demonstration of the Spirit’s Power
  54. Little Acts of Random Kindness Goes a Long Way to Create Big Impacts
  55. Attend Evangelism Training Workshops to Be Sharper in Your Personal Evangelism Skills
  56. Upgrade Your Witnessing Skills from Time to Time
  57. Memorize Key Helpful Scriptures
  58. Show and Tell, Preach and Pray
  59. Practice Makes Perfect – Go On More On the Job Trainings
  60. Strategic Fishing – Go to the Deep End Where the Fish Is – Thinking Lost – Thinking Missionary , by all means I can save some
  61. Invite the Person to an Outreach Event
  62. Stop Using Christianese – Non-religious glossary of lifesaving words
  63. Know the Road Map for the Rescue: John 4