Effective Personal Evangelism Workshop Schedule Outline

Day 1

Session 1: The Call to Share Your Faith

Session 2: Evangelism Explosion Full Gospel Demonstration

Session 3: Learning the Hand Outline of the Gospel

Session 4: How to Overcome Fear in Evangelism

Session 5: How to Turn a Casual Conversation to Spiritual Conversation

Session 6: How to Develop an Evangelistic Lifestyle

Day 2

Session 7: How to Share the Good News – Trainings & Role Plays

Session 8: First On-the-Job Training (OJT 1)

Session 9: OJT 1 Praise Reports & Testimonies

Day 3

Session 10: How to Share the Good News – Trainings & Role Plays part 2

Session 11: Second On-the-Job Training (OJT 2)

Session 12: OJT 2 Praise Reports & Testimonies;

Closing Session & Prayer of Commissioning

Past Workshop Pictures & Past Workshop Testimonials

“Effective Personal Evangelism (EPE) is a powerful tool in sharing the gospel. It is simple and the flow of sharing is well arranged. They not only teach how to share the gospel but how you can start the conversation about the gospel by first building friendship. It makes it so easy that most of the time I would able to enter to the gospel conversation smoothly. One of the most impactful moment for me was seeing people in tears being touched when I share the gospel presentation.

However, the key component in EPE is multiplication where not only we are train to win souls but to train others to win souls and then train others as well. I started with my cell group and then others where all of them are trained in sharing the gospel. We have been sharing the gospel in various places and occasion. Also, I have been co-training and co-teaching to equip others to share the gospel and train them to train others. It is the greatest joy in making disciple as a movement to extend the kingdom of God.”