Kingdom Disciples Academy is a self-pace online learning platform where you get to learn how to make disciples the way our Lord commands us to. Through this comprehensive program, you will get all the fundamental lessons on how to be a true disciple of Christ.
May the following tips help to inspire and spark your own creativity in sharing the most important good news ever told - the Gospel. Develop the Passion à know your BIG WHY Knowing Your Identity as a Rescuer Knowing Your Identity as Christ’s Ambassadors How Badly Do...
How The Holy Spirit Empowers Us To Be Christ’s Witnesses
The Holy Spirit plays an important role in evangelism and in helping us to be Christ’s witnesses. The fact is Jesus has not left us with this important task alone without help. He has promised to give us His Holy Spirit before He ascended to heaven. The fact is many...
Personal Evangelism?
When Dr. D. James Kennedy had died at age 76 of complications from an earlier heart attack, many people’s hearts sank. Knowing that Jerry Falwell died in May, and considering that Billy Graham is not in good health, I wondered who...
Review of Seven Common Evangelism Methods
What is the best method of evangelism? Depending on whom you ask, the answer will vary. The only correct answer, however, is “whichever one presents the gospel clearly and asks for a response.” Unless the gospel is explained and the person is asked to respond to the...
God’s Method for Reaching the World
God’s Plan is MULTIPLICATION! It’s the same way He populated the world, starting from one man and one woman. As they had children and their children had children, etc., world population multiplied. As Christians, our job is to multiply the number of Christians in the...
Having the right understanding about the Kingdom of God will transform every area of your life. When Jesus started His public ministry, the only theme He preached about was on the Kingdom of God. When His disciples continued His ministry that was the same theme they...
How to Look Like Light & Taste Like Salt
Following the Beatitudes in Jesus' Sermon on the Mount, Jesus says to those who are willing to be persecuted "for my sake" that you "are the salt of the earth" and "the light of the world" (Matthew 5:13-14). What does it mean, and how does it happen, that people look...
What is Wrong with the Church Today?
Before we get to this question, let’s ask ourselves this question….What is the church? A quick google search will show you the following results… In the new testament, the Greek word Ekklesia has been used to describe the church, it means the assembly of the whole...
Servant Leadership
Despite this parable of God’s grace and generosity, despite hearing Jesus remark twice that the first shall be last and the last first, Jesus’ disciples are still missing the point. The mother of James and John asks Jesus to grant her two sons the most prominent...
Successful Life Doesn’t Happen By Itself, It is by Design, not by Default. Have you ever felt frustrated because you know you can live that ideal life you’ve always wanted but just don’t know how? Maybe day after day you waste time away being trapped in the same...
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