Here is what past participants have to say
about Kingdom Discipleship Courses.

“Very good practical experience and sharing that we can use. This is different from the usual training where they group us up to share our testimony and prepare our testimony in hand anytime to evangelize. I learned springboards to bridge us to open the topic of gospel. It is indeed good tips on how to be intentional on sharing the gospel.”

“Very clear message on biblical mandate to evangelism. Precise and straight to point. Engaging and very dynamic.”

“The passion on the subject shown by the Facilitator caused a stirring in the heart to want to do more in evangelism.”

“The explanations are clear and very engaging.”

“Very good teacher and communicator.”

“Very engaging, very relevant and effective teaching.”

“Very high energy, empowering, intentional that participants get it and were blessed.”

“Very clear, relatable, and practical.”

“Brother Nelson’s teachings and lessons has both affirmed and improved certain knowledge and skills that i have come to understand about evangelism thus far. Also the urgency of sharing and understanding of teaching on the topic was spot on and helpful (e.g. props for sharing the gospel).”

“The speaker delivery is very good and effective. easy to understand and relatable and also very powerful testimony that sparks the fire in me.”

“What an amazing down to earth message that I can put into practice. I was able to apply myself in the scenarios and methods that was shared by Brother Nelson. Most important the message had convicted my heart to make real and practical changes in my daily life.”

“Nelson is very experienced and skilled in teaching, and above all, he is very welcoming in answering my questions during lessons, which I find most helpful. He has met all requests and went beyond just a teacher. Cos these days there are many seminars whereby we are listeners. Learning is best when it is interactive and when our questions/needs are addressed and not a one-way delivery to participants. I was hoping to make connection during this summit to further the Great Commission and Nelson has become the first person to make it to my name list! There is much more to affirm.”

“Will like Bro Nelson to be my mentor in discipleship.”

“Extremely passionate & on fire for the Lord. I am inspired & challenged to reach out to the lost.”

“Very humble and pleasant disposition. Very encouraging and clear teaching.”

“Great Speaker. precise, clear, practical. Interesting.”

“Really appreciate and could feel your passion for the lost, it rub off to me personally.”

“Presented Personal evangelism and biblical mandate clearly and effectively.”

“This Session has ignited my passion in sharing the Gospel with the lost.”